adult handing a gold key to a child

From Those Who Have Come Before You

From Those Who Have Come Before You

From Those Who Have Come Before You

It’s a blessing to know Kat and Bonnie are just two of the hundreds who have embarked on this Healing Alchemy adventure called Mastery of Your Information.

Remembering Who I Truly Am

Words can not even begin to explain the magical carpet ride MYI has taken me on. If you’re willing to let go of what you think you know and take a trust walk of faith to truly begin learning who you really are and master your information then this is the right path for you. I want to know the truth. I want to heal and have Sovereignty over my “thoughts.” I want to call back my power and master my information. I was looking for a group of like-minded souls who are encouraging, who will mentor me on this journey of remembering who I truly am and I couldn’t have asked for better uplifting, loving Mentors who genuinely want to see you succeed in every way possible!!!! The best of the best! For years I tried literally everything to heal. I knew it was time for a change but I didn’t know what or how to do it. Nothing felt right. Nothing “clicked.” Once I started MYI, I looked forward to class every week! I found the course that has made my soul happy.”

    Zoya S.
    Zoya S.

    Magical Mom of 4

    It's hard to put magic into words, but that's exactly what I think of when I think of Bonnie & Kat and the wonderful introduction into alchemy that is Mastery of Your Information! You don't know what you don't know, until you know it. My soul gently guided me right into mastery with energetic healing sessions I had before I even knew what mastery was. We all have these amazing and wonderful channels of communication with our higher selves ... our soul .... that voice in our head ... that divine connection with Source, but boy, can they be clogged up! Mastery helped open up those lines of communication with myself to know and feel more than I could ever imagine! It has helped me heal parts of me that I didn't even know needed healing ... health issues, emotional issues, and anything and everything in between. Most of all it has shown me the only truth is LOVE and I am one amazing creator and manifestor and yes, I am worthy. We are all worthy. You might not know why you're being called to join Mastery but trust your soul is guiding you to go up, up, up in frequency. Get ready for the most amazing magic carpet ride! My life has changed in unexplainable ways! So much gratitude! So much love!!!!


      Stellar 911 Dispatcher

      “I am a Reiki Master. When I was thinking about signing up for Mastery of Your Information someone told me “This is Reiki on steroids.” Boy, was she right! I can’t imagine my life without this work. I struggled and questioned yet I knew there was something there even if I couldn’t see it at the time. Somewhere along the way it clicked. I began to trust that my Higher Self really did get it, even if my small self didn’t always understand. I could see changes in my relationships and how I saw others, especially how I saw myself. There is so much love, so much healing. My divine channels are opening and I am learning to trust what I know when I know it. My hands start to move and I know that there is magic happening. I have so much love and gratitude for Kat & Bonnie, the teachers, as well as the mentors. They are the reason I am doing this work today. Mastery is the foundation, and it’s just the beginning of an incredible journey. I’m thankful every day that I’m part of it.”

        Teri D.
        Teri D.

        Empowered Program Administrator

        Take the Leap &
        Start Your Mastery Journey Today!

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